Responsible Investing at Molpus

The Molpus Responsible Investment Policy is based on six core principles designed to address market and sustainability best practices. These six core principles underpin our approach to ESG.

Molpus Core Principles of Responsible Investing

  1. Comply with environmental, social, health and safety laws, regulations, and certification standards as a starting point for supporting ESG policies and activities.
  2. Enhance biodiversity conservation in accordance with globally recognized third-party forest management certification standards and policies.
  3. Respect and uphold human rights across all operations.
  4. Provide ESG training programs at all levels of the company.
  5. Prioritize local hiring and community engagement.
  6. Report ESG performance clearly and transparently.

Contact Molpus Woodlands Group

For more information about Molpus Woodlands Group and our commitment to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), please contact us.